Why CEO’s & Managers Should Do a Safety Management Course

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Unfortunately for many companies and their employees, their health and safety do not meet the minimum compliance standards as laid down by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. We would like to highlight the importance of ensuring that the occupational health and safety is an integral part of any business. One way of creating a great occupational health and safety system at work is by having your management team attend a great health and safety management course.

The benefits of creating a workplace that promotes health and safety and ensures the well-being of its employees has many pros for the company. Neglecting being occupational health and safety act compliant has many negative and possibly severe consequences for the management and the CEO!

As a CEO looking after the wellbeing of employees is a legal requirement that ultimately remains your responsibility. If a serious n incident or injury takes place at work and your company is not health and safety compliant the Department of Labour (DOL) will send an inspector through to investigate the reasons why and where noncompliance occurred. The consequence of this investigation could lead to fines and possible criminal liability or jail time for the person or manager who did not ensure compliance, which could possibly be the CEO. Brand reputational damage is also at stake which in itself costs time and money to repair.

Because the Occupational health and safety act compliance is so important we recommend that all CEO’s and management should attend a health and safety management course.

There are a few options of health and safety course which will upskill the CEO and management staff with a better knowledge of the occupational health and safety act and how to implement compliance. The training will assist in preparing you and your company to understand the importance of reducing health and safety risks and establishing a health and safety team or committee which will reduce potential injury, downtime and possibly criminal liability. As mentioned before the benefits of having a good occupational health and safety system are many:

For the organisation:

  • A well-managed health and safety programme with obvious compliance benefits
  • A positive and caring company and management image
  • Improved staff morale as they are being cared for
  • Reduced staff turnover due to illness and injury
  • Reduced absenteeism due to illness and injury
  • Increased productivity as faulty systems and equipment are addressed and reduced
  • Reduced healthcare and insurance costs due to injury and medical costs reduction
  • Reduced risks of fines and litigation by the DOL and injured staff

For the employee:

  • A safe and healthy work environment
  • Enhanced self-esteem as the company is committed and employees are part of the
  • health and safety team
  • Reduced stress as hazards are eliminated
  • Improved morale as everyone feels safer at work
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • Increased skills for the health and safety team – first aiders, firefighters, evacuation
  • marshals and health and safety representatives and supervisors
  • Improved health due to a healthy workplace
  • Improved sense of well-being

Having an up to date and well maintained occupational health and safety act management system, training staff properly in the occupational health and safety act requirements and a CEO and management staff that have attended a safety management course ensures respect from fellow employees that the CEO and management are looking after everyone’s wellbeing.

What health and safety management courses are available at Absolute Health Services safety management course?

There are course options available for the whole health and safety and management team to attend, as listed below:

Health and Safety Management Course – H&S Representative

This accredited course is for the H&S Representatives who represent the employee’s interests at health and safety meetings and together with management, formulate and drive H&S within the company.

Health and Safety Management Course – H&S Incident Investigation

This accredited course empowers the Incident Investigator with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct investigations correctly and confidently and implement steps to prevent reoccurrence.

Health and Safety Management Course – H&S Risk Assessment

This course empowers the Risk Assessor with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct workplace risk assessments and thereby create a safer and better-prepared working environment.

Health and Safety Management Course – H&S OHS Act

This accredited course is aimed at highlighting and navigating the important parts of the Act, as well as ensuring that delegates are confident with the content and implications Act as a whole.

Health and Safety Management Course – H&S 16.2 Workshop

This short (2 to 3 hour) H&S workshop covers the important sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993, so that your company’s management team can be briefed, familiar and comfortable with the applicable sections and content of the OHS Act and is ideal for the whole management team to attend.

Health and Safety Management Course – H&S Supervisor

The company’s Chief Executive Office and their executive team are often busy running the business and consequently appoint an H&S Supervisor (16.2 or 8.2) to represent their interest in health and safety. This course covers incident investigation, risk assessment and the occupational health and safety OHS Act.

Health and Safety Specialist Officer Course

This highly recommended 10-day course is our top health and safety course and is designed for all staff who wish to take a leading role in health and safety. It covers all the necessary health and safety content from first aid, firefighting, evacuation planning, HIV Aids awareness to all the specific health and safety content. It is a recognized HWSETA skills program and competent delegate results are uploaded onto the National Learner Registration Database against the completed skills program.

Getting the right provider for your occupational health and safety training.

It is so important to utilize occupational health and safety training and services from the right company which is accredited, experienced and can offer unique value that lays the foundation for implementing a successful long-term health and safety strategy.

Occupational health and safety act compliance service provider Companies like Absolute Health Services provide all services needed to become health and safety compliant and have created a management service and training program that caters to most companies. Training and certificates are accredited and recognized by various statutory bodies such as:

  • The Health and Welfare Sectional Educational Training Authority (HWSETA)
  • Resuscitation Council of South Africa (RCSA)
  • American Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI).
  • Department of Labour (DOL)
  • South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health SAIOSH
  • And others

Are you OHS Compliant? Take our Speedy Assessment to see where you are and what you need in minutes.

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